frequently asked questions…

can I order for same-day pickup or delivery?
All online orders must be placed with at least 48 hours notice. (This does not include custom orders, which require more lead time.)

why can’t I find the pickup address listed anywhere?
All pickup orders will be waiting for you at my kitchen in Somerville. You’ll receive the exact pickup address after placing your order.

I want to order something that’s not listed on the menu. Is that possible?
Keep reading below! :) Please note: I do not offer large custom cakes, but do recommend checking out my signature
minicakes which are a unique twist on the typical celebration cake.

have something specific in mind?

I take on a select number of custom dessert orders per month for unique flavor, design, and topping requests as well as for wholesale clients.

Maybe you’re planning a dessert spread for your wedding (congrats!) or special event. Or maybe you have a beyond-the-basic idea for a dozen cupcakes to gift to a friend. Whatever the inspiration, I’d love to chat!

Fill out this form with as many details as possible and I’ll be in touch ASAP.